The Reptilian Overlordship and the Military-Aerospace Connection to ETs including Milab Operations.
James Bartley
James Bartley will discuss the Reptilian Overlordship and the Control of Planet Earth by Aliens and Reptilians in particular. This control system is also run in part by Mantis Beings as well as Greys, Insectoids and Subterranean Civilizations. James will also discuss how the deep black military and aerospace community became subordinate to this alien control system and agenda.
Havana Syndrome (HS) – A modern Day Medical Enigma
Dr Roger Stankovic (Australia - Sydney)
Havana Syndrome, dubbed an ‘unknown unknown,’ was first seen in a US intelligence staffer (affectionately termed, ‘patient zero’) in Havana Cuba, in late December 2016. Today, both US and Canadian diplomats and intelligence officers numbering in the hundreds, have been affected on every continent in the world. The affected individuals report a painful acoustic sensation from a hitherto undetermined source that delivers debilitating symptoms of headache, memory loss, nausea, vertigo, epistaxis and, over a longer-term, mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). Many of those affected are forced into medical retirement due to their inability to function at their antecedent base-line cognitive level. They describe a kind of ‘brain fog’, memory loss and inability to concentrate as a consequence.
The Lyran and Atlantis Wars – Our ancient past can explain what is happening today.
Joyce Bok (Australia – Perth)
This is a story of what could possibly be our history beyond our ancient past. Beginning with the constellation of Lyra, where our ancestral humans lived peacefully and in abundance, until an ancient war-faring race from the constellation of the Draco, travelled and conquered planets in Lyra. The story follows how the race of humans escaped and tried to survive, leading to the habitation of Earth. The story explores who we are as human beings, and what we are capable of.
To know ourselves, we need to know our past.